About Rising & Our Culture
The Story that Started Rising
Hear why our CEO / Founder launched a medical management company.
Rising’s Core Values
Learn about the seven principles that guide us daily.
Rising's Origins
Hear what Rising’s name and logo say about us.
About Our ³Ô¹ÏÈí¼þ & Customers
Claims Professionals, Take a Bow
Your job is tough, yet you make a big difference every day. See why we applaud you.
Master Tomorrow's Outcomes, Today
Unleash the power of connected data to route employees to the best care pathway at every step.
Meet VISIONâ„¢
FINALLY…A one-stop portal for administering all managed care services & ancillary referrals from a single platform.
Outsource Your Headaches
…by adding mailroom and payment processing to your medical bill review solution.
Medical Bill Review
You’re not average, so your results shouldn’t be either. See how we do it.
Specialty Bill Review, Hospital Bill Review & Negotiations
Your extra savings just got brighter. Learn how.
Utilization Review
Our UR team talks compliance and appropriate, cost-effective care.
2023 Work Comp Benchmark Study - The View from the Front Lines of Claims Management
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons, Travelers, and MEMIC discuss how frontline claims talent view their profession and tools transforming the industry.
2022 WC Study - What 10 Years of Data Reveals About High-Performing Organizations
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons, City of LA & Travelers dissect 10 years’ worth of study data to reveal how claims management has (or has not) progressed.
2021 WC Study - 3 Obstacles to Providing Superior Claims Performance & What Organizations Must Do to Overcome Them
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons, Eastern Alliance Insurance Group & Travelers.
2020 Work Comp Benchmarking Study - Normalizing Discomfort: 5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Company
Panelists from Rising, Walt Disney World Resort, Albertsons Companies & Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.
Survey Says! What Your Claims Workforce Really Thinks & Ways to Optimize Your Talent Pool
Panelists from Rising, The Hartford, The MEMIC Group & Albertsons Companies.
2019 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Comparing Claims Leaders & Frontline Staff Perspectives
Panelists from Rising, Walt Disney World Resort, Albertsons Companies & Zenith Insurance discuss how frontline staff views mirror & differ from those of claims leaders.
2018 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Advancing Medical Management
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons Companies, Wegmans Food Markets & Broadspire discuss solutions for ever-escalating medical costs.
2017 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Insurtech & Talent Crisis Crossroads
Panelists from Rising, Markel Corporation, Albertsons Companies & bdb Group discuss how successful claims operations maximize next generation technology & talent.
2016 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Employing Data-Backed Claims Differentiators
Panelists from Rising, The Hartford, Nationwide Insurance & Albertsons Companies.
2015 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: The Upside of the Claims Talent Crisis – A Roadmap Forward
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons Safeway, Nationwide Insurance & Gallagher Bassett.
Value-Based Purchasing in Workers' Comp: An Idea Whose Time is Here
Panelists from Rising, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation & Spine Institute of San Diego.
2014 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Data at Work – Putting Study Results Into Practice
Panelists from Rising, Albertsons Safeway, Safety National & CCMSI.
Succeeding with an Unbundled Claims Management Approach
Panelists from Rising, FirstGroup America, Wells Fargo Insurance ³Ô¹ÏÈí¼þ & bdb Group.
2013 Workers' Comp Benchmark Study: Overcoming Claims Operational Challenges
Panelists from Rising, BrickStreet Insurance, AON Benfield & Risk Navigation Group.