In today’s world, analytics are critical to controlling claims costs. And with pharmacy charges accounting for such a large part of those costs, Rising’s prescription tracking technologies bring a key element to the cost-saving equation.
Putting Data to Work for Risk Detection
Our award-winning Rx Intelligence Technology is a pharmacy analytics tool that alerts payers to questionable drug usage early on in a claim. A critical component of our drug utilization review solution, this pharmacy analytics tool detects at-risk cases by tracking prescription activity, including:
- Fill dates
- Number of fills
- Usage days
- Average fill interval days
- Dosage amounts
- Urine drug screenings
- Costs
- Prescriptions for all injury-related drugs
- Prescriptions from multiple providers
- Escalation and weaning patterns
Our configurable Rx Intelligence technologies can flag any medication type and utilize any formulary, including: state-specific formularies, payer-specific formularies, Rising’s formulary, or a blended formulary.
Business Insurance magazine named Rising’s Rx Intelligence Technology to their annual listing of top ten risk management innovations.