The world is becoming a smaller place.  More people are living or seeking medical treatment in countries other than their homeland.

Full Lifecycle Care Management for Medical Treatment Abroad

Medical tourism is on the rise and its consumers need an advocate throughout their episode of care — from access to quality providers to payment. Through our Rising International division, we have integrated our medical knowledge, multi-lingual capabilities, and medical payment systems to deliver a configurable program for any payer with large international medical needs.

Medical Concierge Approach

Key to our care oversight is our medical concierge-style services that focus on patient advocacy. ³Ô¹ÏÈí¼þ include:

  • Contractual rates with Centers of Excellence
  • Care coordination
  • Transfer of care
  • Ongoing case management
  • Medical record translation
  • Medical bill audit and repricing
  • Retrospective medical bill negotiations
  • Explanation of Review (EOR) services
  • Provider payment services

Client Base

Rising’s integrated program is ideal for:

  • Non-US citizens seeking treatment in the United States
  • International Embassy Staff
  • Government and Military Staff Living Overseas
  • Multinational Companies
  • NGOs
  • Medical Tourism Programs

Safety, Accountability

Rising is a , which demonstrates our commitment to quality management, recognized treatment guidelines, and evidence-based medicine. Our processes meet widely recognized medical standards that protect patients’ rights, care quality, and healthcare information.

Additionally, Rising is an American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) (formerly SAS 70), which validates our internal controls for various business and information technology processes, data integrity, and security. SSAE enables US service organizations to comply with international service organization reporting standards ISAE 3402.

To discuss a custom medical tourism program with Rising, please contact us for more information.

Medical Tourism Program: